This is a description of Conceptualism, a Philosophy of Science intended to be of help in the actual scientific work. Hence it’s not a merely theoretical philosophy, but one that is indeed created to be a working tool. The author himself uses this Philosophy of Science, that he’s the creator of, in his own work—that’s the very origin of Conceptualism.
Conceptualism, as presented in this short book, addresses several questions that the author thought to be partially or completely neglected in Science and in Philosophy of Science of today. Beginning to think from scratch, without relying on any previous work in Philosophy of Science, he designed Conceptualism in order to meet the modern needs, which must be based upon modern knowledge from both Science and Philosophy. Because of this, Conceptualism may present ideas that to some may seem unfamiliar. But that’s just the idea. Starting at zero and working onwards, without looking at neither the past nor the current schools yielded this piece of Philosophy which, therefore, almost by necessity contained new ways to relate to Science. There will be many new ideas to meet in this book, although some people may detect some connections to, i.e., the Philosophy of Kant (e.g., das Ding an Sich). This is perfectly unintentional!
Be a modern scientist, be a Conceptualist!