A ZERO HOUR tie-in! Time splits in two for the Green Arrow! What happens when one takes a slightly different path? The answer will shock Oliver Queen to his core!
Plus par Kelley Puckett, Kevin Dooley & Eduardo Barreto
Bob Gale, Greg Rucka, Kelley Puckett, Dennis O'Neil, Devin Grayson, Scott Beatty, Ian Edginton, Alex Maleev, Damion Scott, Phil Winslade, Roger Robinson & Dale Eaglesham
Greg Rucka, Chuck Dixon, Dennis O'Neil, Kelley Puckett, Scott Beatty, John Ostrander, Mike Deodato, Jim Balent, Rick Burchett, Dan Jurgens, Scott McDaniel, Damion Scott, Roger Robinson & Graham Nolan
Paul Dini, Scott Snyder, Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, Jeph Loeb, Kelley Puckett, Rob Williams, Adam Glass, James Tynion IV, Scott Beatty, Jim Lee, Bruce Timm, Richard Friend, Scott Hanna, Jock, Scott Williams, David Lopez, Mike Parobeck, Sandra Hope, Sean Galloway, Federico Dallocchio, Mike Getty & John Timms
Alan Grant, Shane McCarthy, Kelley Puckett, Paul Dini, John Layman, Devin Grayson, Norm Breyfogle, Cliff Chiang, Jennifer Graves, Jim Balent, Dustin Nguyen, Henrik Jonsson, Roger Robinson & Matt Wagner
Kelley Puckett, Paul Dini, Chuck Dixon, Devin Grayson, Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka, Damion Scott, Don Kramer, Dick Giordano, Greg Land, Cameron Stewart & Michael Lark
Bill Willingham, Joe Kelly, Kelley Puckett, Tony Bedard, Greg Rucka, Keith Champagne, Ian Boothby, Phil Jimenez, Pete Woods, Alé Garza, Marco Marz, Cory Walker, Giuseppe Camuncoli, John Byrne & Christian Alamy