ViewFinder Book: Portugal, Land & Ocean - Francesco Carovillano & ViewFinder Book

ViewFinder Book: Portugal, Land & Ocean

Par Francesco Carovillano & ViewFinder Book

  • Date de sortie: 2015-06-21
  • Genre: Photographie


The new travel photography book all about composition
How anyone can learn to take a perfect photo with ViewFinder Books

ViewfinderBook has been created to teach photographers of all levels how to understand composition and take exceptional photos in beautiful destinations across the world.

ViewfinderBook - Portugal, Land & Ocean It takes you on a journey through Portugal in the footsteps of a professional photographer who carefully analyses more than 20 of his 200 photos in terms of composition, inspiration and technique. 
Harnessing the highly flexible digital format, the easy-to-navigate interactive book combines videosphoto analysis with cultural insights, GPS coordinates to recreate the route and useful links about the monuments featured, as well as lots of historical information to fully immerse yourself in the photographer’s experience.
