Avaya’s 2013 Guidebook is the market-leading overview of the collaboration technologies and trends
driving businesses of every size. Written for business and IT executive alike, the Guide features in-
depth analysis and commentary from industry experts on the innovations that can help you and your
organization gain and keep a competitive edge.
Topics in the Guide include:
Why mobile and desktop videoconferencing are the future of communications;
How instant messaging is evolving past mere presence to awareness;
What are the 8 best practices every contact center must follow;
The steps you must take to secure your Unified Communications deployment.
Contributors to this year’s Guide include leading Avaya executives such as CEO Kevin Kennedy, SVPs
Gary Barnett, Marc Randall, Michael Runda, and Brett Shockley, and top analysts from Forrester and
Nemertes Research as well as experts from IBM, VMware and other valued Avaya partners.
The Guide also includes 14 enterprise case studies and 28 charts and infographics to create a full picture
of how you can create a better, more agile business even in a fluctuating macroeconomic climate.