Popular English Idioms and Phrases: English Idiomatic Expressions - Manik Joshi

Popular English Idioms and Phrases: English Idiomatic Expressions

Par Manik Joshi

  • Date de sortie: 2014-04-21
  • Genre: Éducation


Most popular idioms and phrases | English idiomatic phrases | English language idiomatic expressions | List of popular idioms and phrases | Sample This: -English Idioms and Phrases -- A --- ADD- 001. -- State governments should add more teeth to anti-ragging law. [‘add more teeth’ -- to make something more effective] 002. -- Financial issues are further going to add to their woes. | ABACK- 003. -- He appeared to be taken aback when it was revealed to him that an avid fan had his face tattooed on his arm. || We all were taken aback by bomb attacks. [‘taken aback’ -- very surprised] | ACE- 004. -- Our opponents hold all the Aces as they are strong where we are weak. [‘hold all the aces’ -- to have all the advantages] | ACCOUNT- 005. -- From all accounts, he was a loving family man. || From all accounts, he is a smart, fair-minded, detail-oriented middle-of-the road jurist. [‘from all accounts’ -- according to what other people say]
