Dictionary of English Antonyms: Vocabulary Building - Manik Joshi

Dictionary of English Antonyms: Vocabulary Building

Par Manik Joshi

  • Date de sortie: 2014-05-19
  • Genre: Éducation


An Antonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word.

Alphabetical List of English antonyms

Sample This:

English Antonyms – A

1. ABOVE -- (meaning) on top of, over, higher than, more than
Antonyms of ‘Above’ --
below / under / less / beneath / lower

2. ABSORB -- (meaning) to take in energy, gas, heat, light, liquid, etc.
Antonyms of ‘Absorb’ --
emanate / discharge / drip / emit / exude / leak / ooze / radiate / secrete

3. ABSTEMIOUS -- (meaning) not lenient towards yourself
Antonyms of ‘Abstemious’ --
unconstrained / uncontrolled / uninhibited / unrestrained

4. ACCEPT -- (meaning) to take readily something that is offered; to say ‘Yes’ to the proposal, offer, etc.
Antonyms of ‘Accept’ --
abandon / deny / disallow / disprove / discard / dump / rebut / refuse / reject

5. ACCIDENTAL -- (meaning) happening by chance
Antonyms of ‘Accidental’ --
deliberate / intentional / planned / premeditated / purposeful / fixed

6. ACCRETION -- (meaning) slowly added layer of a substance
Antonyms of ‘Accretion’ --
corrosion / decay / decomposition / deterioration / disintegration / erosion

7. ACKNOWLEDGE -- (meaning) to accept that something is true
Antonyms of ‘Acknowledge’ --
condone / deny / disprove / challenge / contradict / ignore / invalidate / overlook / rebuff / refute

8. ACTIVE -- (meaning) involved in something or doing something
Antonyms of ‘Active’ --
dormant / idle / inactive / inert / latent / lethargic / listless / passive / sluggish

9. ACTUAL -- (meaning) existing in reality
Antonyms of ‘Actual’ --
fantasy / illusory / imaginary / invented / unreal / virtual

1. abandon -- retain / salvage
2. abase -- deference / respect
3. abashed -- proud / unabashed
4. abate -- strengthen / brace
5. abbreviate -- amplify / lengthen
6. abdicate -- accept / continue
7. aberrant -- typical / usual
8. aberration -- normality / routine
9. abet -- hinder / dissuade
10. abhor -- admire / worship
11. abhorrent -- desirable / pleasing
12. abiding -- temporary / transient
13. ability -- inability / ineptitude
14. abject -- hopeful / optimistic
15. abjure -- own / possess
16. able -- incapable / unable
17. abnormal -- normal / natural
18. abolition -- initiation / launching
19. abominate -- love / respect
20. abortive -- fruitful / productive
21. abrasive -- even / regular / polite
22. abridge -- enlarge / expand
23. abridged -- comprehensive / whole
24. abrupt -- gradual / steady
25. abseil -- ascend / climb
26. absence -- attendance / existence / presence
27. absolute -- relative / virtual
28. absolution -- harshness / severity
29. absolve -- blame / condemn / denounce
30. abstain -- endure / persist
31. abstinence -- excess / indulgence
32. abstract -- concrete / real
33. abstracted -- alert / attentive / aware
34. abstruse -- intelligible / logical / lucid
35. abundant -- meager / scarce
36. abysmal -- excellent / outstanding
37. accede -- disallow / discard
38. acceptable -- deplorable / unacceptable
39. acceptance -- denial / rejection / renunciation
40. accessible -- inaccessible / unachievable
41. acclaim -- condemnation / disapproval
42. accolade -- discredit / disgrace / ignominy
43. accommodating -- disobliging / uncooperative
44. accord -- disagreement / disparity
45. accountable -- inexplicable / unaccountable
46. accredit -- derecognize / disapprove
47. accrual -- decrease / deduction / loss
48. accurate -- inaccurate / incorrect
49. accustomed -- unaccustomed / unfamiliar
50. achievable -- unachievable / unattainable
51. acquiescence -- opposition / resistance
52. acquire -- cede / relinquish / surrender
53. acrid -- saccharine / sugary
54. acrimonious -- harmonious / melodious
55. activate -- deactivate / impede
